What Are the Potential Risks of Earwax Build Up?

3 Apr
Build up classed as impacted that will affect hearing ability

A build-up of ear wax is a common problem; however, an excessive build-up can be a severe issue. Many people don’t realise how serious this issue can be if left untreated. Here in this guide, we will help you know how an excessive build-up of ear wax can be a problem for you. So, stay with us and read this guide to learn how an excessive build-up of ear wax complicates the ear anatomy.

Impacted Earwax

A build-up of ear wax occurs when your ear produces wax much faster than your body removes it. When this happens, the condition is named impacted earwax.

Ear wax impaction is an uncomfortable condition and occurs when the wax gets hardened to the point that it partially blocks the ear canal and does not naturally fall out on its own. Never opt for ear candling though!

The Potential Risks of Earwax Build-Up

The following are some potential risks of impacted earwax or excessive earwax build-up.

· It May Lead to Ear Infections

Ear wax helps protect your ear from serious infections by creating an acidic environment in the ear canal. This acidic environment helps in killing off bacteria. However, an excessive build-up of ear wax can provide shelter for foreign bodies and bacteria and increase the risk of infections.

Ear infections lead to a variety of uncomfortable situations such as:

  • Intense pain
  • Temperature
  • Vomiting
  • Hearing loss
  • Foul-smelly discharge

· Earwax Build-Up May Lead to Hearing Loss

Impacted ear wax often leads to hearing loss and makes it difficult for the ears to be examined when you visit your doctor. Furthermore, ear wax impaction causes a throbbing and aching sensation deep in the ear canal and makes the earlobe and surrounding tissues feel tender. Experiencing dizziness and intense ringing in the ears are common symptoms of ear wax impaction.

· May Lead to Mastoiditis

Ear infections usually clear up on their own within a few days. However, sometimes they require treatment with antibiotics. In some instances, or in people who have had recurring ear infections, they can lead to mastoiditis, a very severe infection of the mastoid bone behind the ear.

· You Might Have to Go for Surgery

In worst-case scenarios, where antibiotics prove ineffective, the doctor may recommend surgery to drain the middle ear or remove a part of the mastoid bone. If the surgery isn’t performed at the right time and by the right person, it may lead to complete hearing loss or cause life-threatening complications such as brain abscess, blood clots, and meningitis.

How to Diagnose Impacted Ear Wax?

A healthcare professional diagnoses impacted earwax by taking your health history and suggesting a physical exam, including a few hearing tests. The healthcare professional must see the wax while looking at your ear through an otoscope device.

The healthcare professional may diagnose you with impacted earwax even if you don’t experience any symptoms. For example, while examining your ear for some different reason, your healthcare professional might see too much earwax in your ear and might not succeed in seeing your ear canal. Resultantly, they may diagnose you with impacted ear wax.

Therefore, if you are experiencing any of the symptoms related to impacted ear wax, you must seek an appointment and visit Deeside Ear Care for ear wax removal.

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  1. […] excessive build-up of ear wax causing problems for you? Do you want to get rid of this wax and clean your ears? If yes, we are […]

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