
2 Oct
Wear your hearing aids. Book in for a hearing health check at Deeside Ear Care.

Choosing Not To Wear Your Hearing Aids Can Cause Problems

Commonly, we hear from our patients that they’ve not been disciplined in using their hearing aids. Sometimes, that’s because they might be over-conscious of them or not understand the negative effects of not wearing them. Your overall health could suffer when you don’t wear your hearing aids. This article will make you aware of the

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20 Sep
Do you suffer from selective hearing...Deeside Ear Care

Selective Hearing – How Does it Work?

Have you ever wondered about what selective hearing is and how it works? In many cases, it’s easy to misunderstand topics such as selective hearing as simply being “fussy” over what someone hears. However, the reality is much more complex than this, and selective hearing can actually be a challenging and frustrating condition to live

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Aberdeen AB21 9LJ

0751 3821 587

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